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I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can't be helped.





Lyla Ieqa Ariey Ika

Tutorial: Code MyLiveSignatureFriday, 16 December 2011 leave me ♥?

Bonjour! Ari ni aku nak share tuto untuk letak Signature kat bawah post.
Kalau korunk tengok kat post aku, kat bawah die mesti ade NANA HANA ala2 tandetanagn sendiri..
macam pic kat bawah ni.
Firstly, korunk kene buad:

1. Pergi kat S I N I

2. Korunk kene Register dulu tau. Kalau dah siap register korunk tekan kat
Using The Signature Creation Wizard
yang mcam kat bawah ni.

3. Korunk letaklah name untuk signature tu, then pilih warne and so on.

4. Bile dah siap korunk ikowt step mcam gambar kat bawah ni.

5. Bile korunk da tekan generate code, nanti die akan bagi code signature korunk.