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I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can't be helped.





Lyla Ieqa Ariey Ika

Oh Tuhan!!!Wednesday 9 November 2011 leave me ♥?

Hooooooooooooooooooooh!!!! Bad news, Hot issue !!!!
Aku ade due berite baek.. (gune aku je la) bukan due, satu jer.. maksudnyer ade due berite.. keke.. nak dengor mane satu dulu??? Berite buruk arh dlu.. ok3.. sediekan tisu mcam Cikgu Aida ckap tadi, bersabar.. haha..

AKU TAK LULUS MATH!!!!! DAPAT 29 % JER!! :Panasbaram:( Giler arh.. for THE FIRST TIME AKU DIKALAHKAN OLEH MEMBER SEANGKATAN AKU.. Farra leyh dapat 36% aku plak bleh dapat 29 % ??? Giler arh!!! eh, bukan! Care lah, Hebat, The Best In The World! Amek kaw.. kertas 1 yang btol 19 (hek hek) kertas 2, 10 MARKAH AJER!!!

Orait, ni lak berite baiknyer, Cikgu Aida kate nak naek kan markah yang ade '9' di penghujung

markah tu, die naikkan 1 pangkat so, aku dpatlah 30 %..

Muahahaha!!! so far so good pencapaian aku!
SANGAT MEMBERANGSANGKAN.. (adoii..panjang tol) :syakwasangka:(

Tadi mak ku tanyer pasal kertas pekse, time aku dengor Math jer aku pown cakap kertas pekse cikgu bloom bagi.. Hik hik.. Kantoi di sini~